Détails de l'annonce Poste proposé : ComptableWe are looking for a part time (50%) assistant and accountant in order to support management and accounting, including executives. Your tasks and activities will mainly include: Management of business's financial, accounting and tax; Handling visitors, and administrating our activities; Arranging meetings and travels, and participating to the organization of conferences. We offer learning and training opportunities, with contribution to internal and external communication activities and conferences. The offered salary will be based upon qualifications and experience. If interested, please send a resume and cover letter through this website. Profil recherché pour le poste : Comptable Experience in corporate tax returns, accounting, and management. Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : Comptable Métier : Gestion, comptabilité, financeSecretariat, assistanat Secteur d´activité : Ingénierie, études développement Type de contrat : CDD - Intérim - Stage - Freelance - Alternance - Temps partiel Région : Douala Ville : Douala Niveau d'expérience : Expérience entre 2 ans et 5 ans Niveau d'études : Bac+3 Langues exigées : anglais›bon niveaufrançais›bon niveau Nombre de poste(s) : 1